How much can I borrow?

Estimate your maximum loan amount in two minutes

Pre-qualify for your mortgage

Illustration of a hand holding a house

Build your mortgage offer

Take advantage of our mortgage solutions and you could be eligible for some savings*

Discover our offers

*For a limited time. Please refer to the terms and conditions of each promotion. 

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Pro tip!

Open an FHSA and start saving towards a down payment or other fees related to buying your first property.


Pre-qualification or pre-approval?

What’s the difference between the two? Pre-qualification gives you an overview of your borrowing capacity, while pre-approval guarantees your financing and protects your rate for 90 days, without committing to a loan. Put yourself in a good position to negotiate and purchase a home by requesting a pre-approval now. 

Read the details




  • Allows you to estimate your borrowing capacity and indicates the price range of properties that are within your means
  • Does not commit you to taking out a loan
  • Protects you from an interest rate increase for 90 days
  • Shows sellers and real estate brokers the seriousness of the steps you’re taking
Illustration of a completed form


  • Guarantees your borrowing capacity and indicates the price range of properties that are within your means
  • Does not commit you to taking out a loan
  • Protects you from an interest rate increase for 90 days
  • Shows sellers and real estate brokers the seriousness of the steps you’re taking

Do your calculations

Illustration of a calculator and a calendar joined by a plus symbol

Calculating your monthly payments

Determine how much you can repay each month based on your budget. 

Calculate my payments

Illustration of house with thought bubble saying

Rent or buy?

Find out if it's more profitable for you to buy or rent.

Illustration of a circular diagram containing question mark symbol

Accelerated payments

Pay off your mortgage faster with flexible payments or by using your credit card reward points.

Little details that matter

The first step in buying a property is knowing the price range within your means. You can get an estimate for this amount through a mortgage pre-qualification, or for more certainty, a mortgage pre-approval.

A mortgage pre-qualification is a rough estimate of your borrowing capacity to purchase a property. It’s calculated based on your basic financial information such as your income and current debt. No credit check is involved, nor is it a guarantee of the approved financing which you may receive by National Bank.

A mortgage pre-approval certifies your borrowing capacity based on several criteria including your credit rating. It confirms the amount that National Bank agrees to lend you under certain conditions and protects the rate of this loan against potential rises for 90 days. A pre-approval demonstrates your seriousness to sellers and your real estate agent and does not impose any obligation for you to commit to the loan.

Start your pre-approval request online now. Our mortgage experts will then contact you to finalize your request.

TM Sagen is a trademark of Genworth Financial Canada, the mortgage insurance company.

TM Canada Guaranty is a trademark of Canada Guaranty Mortgage Insurance Company.

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