Insurance claims

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Making a claim

Your insurance is there to help you overcome life's challenges.
Here's what you need to know to make a claim.

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Travel insurance

Your Mastercard credit card includes travel insurance:
Contact our assistance service¹, available 24/7.

You sign up for travel insurance

Contact our assistance service¹, available 24/7.

Your Mastercard credit card includes travel insurance:

Contact our assistance service¹, available 24/7.

  • Canada and the US: 1-888-235-2645
  • Elsewhere in the world (toll-free): 514-286-8345

You sign up for travel insurance

Contact our assistance service¹, available 24/7.

  • Canada and the US: 1-844-783-7603
  • Elsewhere in the world (toll-free): 514-394-0075

Fill out the form: The assistance provider will send you a claim form. You must fill out the form and return it as soon as possible, ideally within 90 days of the event to which the claim relates.

You can also download the claim form from the CanAssistance website and find the information you need to submit your claim.

Provide requested documents:  The assistance provider may request supporting documents in order to complete the claim assessment. Return the requested documents within 90 days and no later than 1 year after the event to which the claim relates.

Credit card payment insurance

1. Complete the forms

We'll let you know what forms to complete based on your situation and insurance coverage. You can download the documents.

To prevent any further delays in processing your claim, please ensure all forms are completed in full.

2. Return the forms

Send the completed forms, along with all required documents, to the following address:

By email:

Include your first and last name and a phone number where we can reach you.

After receiving all the necessaryinformation for the review of your file, it will be studied within the next 20 business days.

Please note that the email you are about to send us is not secure. If you want to further protect the confidential information you send us, you can add a password on the document and then send us a second email with the password.


By fax: 514-394-6604 or 1-866-394-6340


By mail:

National Bank Life Insurance Company
800, Saint-Jacques Street, office 43511
Montreal (Quebec) H3C 1A3

We must receive the documents no later than one year from the date that the event occurred.

3. Contact us

You can also call National Bank Life Insurance Customer Service at 1-877-871-7500, option 2 to file a claim. We'll guide you through each step of the process.

Loan insurance

Making a claim

1.   Complete the forms

We'll let you know what forms to complete based on your situation and insurance coverage. You can download the documents or
we can send them to you.

To prevent any further delays in processing your claim, please ensure all forms are completed in full.

2.    Return the forms

Send the completed forms, along with all required documents, to the following address:

By email :

Include your first and last name and a phone number where we can reach you.

After receiving all the necessary  information for the review of your file, it will be studied within the next 20 business days.

Please note that the email is not secure. Take precautions by adding a password to the document and by sending a second email with the password. 


By fax: 1-866-394-6340 or 514-394-6604


By mail:

National Bank Life Insurance Company
800, Saint-Jacques Street, office 43511
Montreal (Quebec) H3C 1A3

The documents must be received within 1 year of the date of the event you are making a claim for.

Disability insurance: Waiting period

Please remember that there is a waiting period of 60 days (period during which no benefits are paid) before you can
receive payments. You can, however, submit the claim before the end of this period. You are still responsible for making the loan payments during the waiting period, while your file is being processed, and while receiving insurance payments.

3.    Contact us

You can also call National Bank Life Insurance Customer Service at 1-877-871-7500, option 2, to get your claim started; we'll guide you through the steps to follow.

Little details that matter

In the event of disability:

Please note that we accept forms that you completed for other insurance companies.

  • Authorization from one of the following agencies, depending on your province of residence:
    • RAMQ (Quebec)
    • Medicare (New Brunswick)
    • For the residents of any other province, a specific authorization will be sent only if needed by National Bank Insurance.


In the event of accidental dismemberment:


In case of first diagnosis of Cancer:


In the event of an Involuntary Job Loss:


In the event of death:

  • Statement of estate
  • Physician's statement
  • Authorization to disclose information
  • Authorization from one of the following agencies, depending on your province of residence:
    • Medicare (New Brunswick)
    • For the residents of any other province, a specific authorization will be sent only if needed by National Bank Insurance.
  • Copy of the death certificate
  • If it is an accidental death, a copy of the coroner's report (if available)


In case of critical illness (Distinction Protection Plan):

For a Life event (Distinction Protection Plan):

Proof of one of the following events: post-secondary degree, professional certification or designation, marriage, purchase of a principal residence, birth or adoption of a child, payment of your last mortgage payment, retirement.

In the event of disability:

Please note that we accept forms that you completed for other insurance companies.

  • Authorization from one of the following agencies, depending on your province of residence:
    • RAMQ (Quebec)
    • Medicare (New Brunswick)
    • For the residents of any other province, a specific authorization will be sent only if needed by National Bank Insurance. 


In the event of accidental dismemberment:


In case of critical illness:

In the event of death:

  • Statement of estate
  • Physician's statement
  • Authorization to disclose information
  • Authorization from one of the following agencies, depending on your province of residence:
    • Medicare (New Brunswick)
    • For the residents of any other province, a specific authorization will be sent only if needed by National Bank Insurance. 
  • Copy of the death certificate
  • If it is an accidental death, a copy of the coroner's report (if available)

® MASTERCARD is a registered trademark of Mastercard International Inc. Authorized user: National Bank of Canada.

1. CanAssistance service. CanAssistance is a registered trademark of the Canassurance Association of Hospital Services.

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