Savings and investments

Invest for a brighter and more secure tomorrow

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Which savings plan or account should you choose?

What investment products should I include in my savings plan or account?

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Cash Advantage Solution

The Cash Advantage Solution is an investment tool that allows you to grow your money at different rates while maintaining access to your funds.

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Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GIC)

A Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GIC) is a secure investment that allows you to earn interest over a period ranging from 30 days to 10 years.

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Mutual funds

NBI Protfolios aim to achieve returns based on your goals and risk tolerance.

How to invest my money

Open an account online

Opt for semi-autonomous investing by selecting products through our app or your online bank. Open an account and start contributing today.

Get in touch with an expert

Choose guided investing by booking an appointment with one of our advisors for personalized advice.

Manage your investments independently

Take the independent route with National Bank Direct Brokerage®, where you can access powerful tools to support your stock market investment decisions. 

We’re here for you

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Are you ready to invest?

Get in touch with us to discuss investment strategies to help make your projects a reality. 

Picto of a National Bank branch

Find your branch

Find a National Bank branch closest to home.

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