My retirement

Make your dreams a priority

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Enjoy the retirement you always wanted

Make sure your retirement is everything you dreamed of. Our advice can help you take advantage of the present moment, whatever your future plans may be.

I want to start...

Femme avec des lunettes regardant une calculatrice
Thinking man
Man working on computer
Grand-mother, mother and daughter sitting on a sofa
Woman wearing glasses looking at a calculator

Your retirement, our advice

Photo of a woman walking with her dog

Testimony: Planning for retirement after turning 50

After having two kids, going back to school and changing careers, Michèle took control of her retirement planning at 54 years old. Learn how she did it and check out a wealth of advice on how to prepare for retirement after 50.

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Photo of a retired couple cooking
Photo of a group of people talking and smiling
Photo of a couple on a sailboat at sunset

Tools to prepare your retirement

Pictogram Calculator

Calculate how much you should save towards retirement with these provincial and federal calculators.

Canadian Retirement Income Calculator

Retraite Québec’s SimulR tool

Financial statement tool

Take the time to create your financial assessment and get a clear overview of your personal finances.

Little details that matter

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Those events, articles and videos are provided by National Bank, its subsidiaries and group entities for information purposes only, and creates no legal or contractual obligation for National Bank, its subsidiaries and group entities.The details of this service offering and the conditions herein are subject to change.

The hyperlinks in those events, articles and videos may redirect to external websites not administered by National Bank. The Bank cannot be held liable for the content of external websites or any damages caused by their use.

Views expressed in those events, articles and videos are those of the person being interviewed. They do not necessarily reflect the opinions of National Bank or its subsidiaries.

For financial or business advice, please consult your National Bank advisor, financial planner or an industry professional (e.g., accountant, tax specialist or lawyer).

Have questions about retirement?

Speak to an advisor for personalized support.

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Monday to Thursday,8 a.m. to 6 p.m. (ET)
Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (ET)

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