National Bank Investments Inc. (‟NBI”) announced today the estimated annual reinvested capital gains to be paid for 2022 to unitholders of NBI exchange-traded funds (‟NBI ETFs”), as indicated in the table below.
Unitholders of record on December 30, 2022, will receive the capital gains distributions on January 6, 2023. The capital gains distributions will be reinvested, and the resulting units will be immediately consolidated, so the number of units held by each investor will not change. Investors holding their units outside registered plans will have taxable amounts to report and will see an increase in the adjusted cost base of their units.
These estimated amounts are for the reinvested capital gains distributions only, and do not include the ongoing periodic cash distribution amounts to be announced later.
Please note that these are estimated capital gains only, based on data as of October 31, 2022. Since these are estimated amounts, the final capital gains distributions could change by the end of the NBI ETFs’ fiscal year on December 15, 2022. NBI expects to issue a press release on or about December 20, 2022, confirming the final amounts of the reinvested distributions for all ETFs (subject to further revisions per unit amounts resulting from subscription and redemption activity prior to the record date). The amounts of the reinvested distributions are estimated amounts only and may vary between December 20, 2022, and December 30, 2022. These reinvested distributions generally consist of capital gains only.
The following is a complete list of NBI ETFs and their respective estimates of per-unit reinvested capital gains distribution: