Committees of the Board

Here are the the five committees that keep the National Bank machine running smoothly

Audit Committee

This committee is mandated to ensure the financial soundness of National Bank. They review the recommendations for addressing such risks and ensure the implementation of appropriate internal controls. They also recommend the independent auditor candidate to the Board to be proposed to shareholders.

Lynn Loewen


Pierre Blouin

Scott Burrows

Patricia Curadeau-Grou

Rebecca McKillican

Risk Management Committee

This committee supervises and approves the risk management framework, the main risk management policies, and risk tolerance limits. It monitors trends relating to National Bank's activities and ensures that they are consistent with the Bank's risk appetite.

Patricia Curadeau-Grou


Yvon Charest

Karen Kinsley

Lynn Loewen

Sarah Morgan-Silvester

Pierre Pomerleau

Macky Tall

Human Resources Committee

This committee supervises and approves the management of compensation risks, the policies and main compensation programs, the main culture and talent management strategies and practices, the succession plans for Officers, the pension plans, and communication with shareholders.

Pierre Boivin


Pierre Blouin

Yvon Charest

Arielle Meloul-Wechsler

Rebecca McKillican

Conduct Review and Corporate Governance Committee

This committee must keep abreast on current environmental and social responsibility and governance ("ESG") trends to ensure that the Bank has sound practices in this regard and complies with current legislation. It must also ensure that directors, officers and employees act in an ethical and responsible manner.

Yvon Charest


Karen Kinsley

Sarah Morgan-Silvester

Robert Paré

Macky Tall

Technology Committee

This committee oversees the various components of National Bank's technology program. Among other things, it reviews National Bank's technology strategy and oversees technology risks, including cybercrime.

Pierre Blouin


Patricia Curadeau-Grou

Annick Guérard

Lynn Loewen

Rebecca McKillican

Irfhan Rawji

Picto of three silhouettes representing a committee

Mandate of Committee Chairs

Individuals who chair a committee or sub-committee of the Board provide leadership to the committee or sub-committee and ensure that it carries out its assigned responsibilities effectively and independently. The role of the chairs is to facilitate decision-making and encourage frank and constructive discussion among members.